At the time of the resurgence, when the ancient Gods traversed to the realm of the living once again, the spirits celebrated for magic had returned to the earth. The first to arrive breathed awakening into the flesh of the dead, and is known as the God of Blood. Some liken him to the Greek god Zeus and others to Hades. As hated as he is beloved, there is little consensus about him, but what is for certain is that Blood is the embodiment of perfection for vampiric society.
Blood consecrated the path for the celestial maiden that the tides of the ocean bow up and down for in the night, and the favored lupine sing majestic howls for her blessing. The sister of Blood, together they were Blood Moon. The Moon personifies change; a perpetual cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth. Not always has the mother of magic seen eye to eye with her corporeal brother/grandfather. Nor can many trace the complicated relations of the ethereals. Our history tells of 3 moon goddesses:
Wytchie, Llidreth, Maryris
Always adored be the Maiden
Only the Mother was amiss
At last the Crone be awaken
Maiden, Mother, Crone
Who is the crone? Why do men fear her?
The crone is proof against the lie
That a woman's worth is found between her legs
Let not those ears become accustomed to the
lies that spring forth from men's lips
Her power they will try to take
Her body they will try to break
Her mind they will try to manipulate
Emerged on the other side, never empty, yet sometimes full
Very old, yet sometimes new
Never sad, though sometimes blue
When you cannot see her in the sky
A favor she may grant in passing by.
Balance, there must be. For if Blood is creation, then destruction must follow. Born from envy and hatred came the god of war. His intention to beget dissonance among kindred; single-purposely enthralled with ambitions of deposing those on the path of Blood. Blood Moon forbade any from empowering him, and in their wrath damned those who followed war. Short lived was war, as he was toppled by the powerful alliance of the celestials with the corporeal.
The Queen of the heavens and Lady of the earth, goddess of marriage and family, gives hope and strength of will to the mortal men and women engendered in her image. As the celestial queen, her walks upon the blue-green spheroid are always illuminated brightly in the sun. Although her love of the inhabitants of earth is reciprocated with the greatest adoration, her visits are only fleeting, for her palace is a paradise.
Born of the earth, a beldam alchemist who found her conjurations amplified by her vicinage to the ethereals, transfigured her blood into ichor and her bread into ambrosia, proclaiming herself goddess of witchcraft and magic. Her Icarus worthy metamorphose mesmerized only the plebeians, grateful to receive more than vermin to fill their bellies with. Perceptive of her true source of power, the Moon and Blood banished her in perpetuity, where her enchantments seemed to fade with the passing of time.